2D Image Processor
Underwater Image Enhancement is a successor project of a 2D image processor. The project is to create a filter that enhances the underwater picture, which is mostly blurred and blue, to improve the detail and color.
Demo Video
What filter did I implement in the project?
Read and Load Images File Data
Since we need to continue working on the previous group code, I need to refactor the code so our team can work on it separately.
For my r
Pixel Neighbors
Because lack of programmers, we needed to cut out some mechanics in order to finish the game implementation and debugging. Physic swing is one of the mechanics we decided to cut off and replace with animated sequence swing. With a system of path creators, I would be able to create a swing setup for designers to work on.
Since we need to continue working on the previous group code, I need to refactor the code so our team can work on it separately.
Since we need to continue working on the previous group code, I need to refactor the code so our team can work on it separately.
Sobel Operator
Since we need to continue working on the previous group code, I need to refactor the code so our team can work on it separately.
Unsharp Masking
Since we need to continue working on the previous group code, I need to refactor the code so our team can work on it separately.