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Wild Wild Wetland

By Team Toadstool


Wild Wild Wetlands is a 3D platformer game with a focus on exploration. Run, jump, and swing through the bayou as a frog cowboy, improving your abilities to defeat the outlaw gang. Discover new routes through the swamp to collect all lost rubber ducks.

Project Info

  • Role: Technical Director, Gameplay Programmer

  • Team Size: 20

  • Time frame: Fall 2023

  • Engine: Unity

  • Repository: TortoiseSVN

Game Trailer


This project is a Digipen's GAM375 game project. Normally, the GAM375 project would be a continuing project from GAM300 and GAM350 But the whole previous programming team left the project so I need to form a new programming team to continue the project. I need to read and familiarize the code that the previous programming team left to finish and polish the project to release on Steam.


Technical Director

As Technical Director, I mainly focus on organizing work tasks and giving to each tech member including myself. To keep our team updated, I have a brief meeting each week before to update each other member's tasks and help guide them in the same direction. Although our tech team only has 4 members including me, I communicate and update our progress with other faculty directors to keep our team on track. Additionally, I also help support our members in communicating with other faculty members such as helping UI programmers talk to UI designers and UI artists.


Since I mainly work on organizing tasks, I create a bug report form that connects to Trello making us programmers get bug reports without the need to talk to a playtester or designer who does the playtest physically. Furthermore, Since I do refactoring the previous code structure, I would be more likely to know the structure of our game. I help other members define debug problem code in a wide variety. And also fixing Svn errors for others.

Gameplay Programmer

As a Gameplay programmer, Even though I mainly focus on planning and organizing work tasks for our members, our tech team is still too small to work on this scale of game. This is why I need to do tasks as much as other tech members do in order to implement things our team needs to add to the game.

  • Refactor code structure

Since we need to continue working on the previous group code, I need to refactor the code so our team can work on it separately.

  • Camera Controler

For my role as a gameplay programmer, Camera control would be my main work. Even though our game uses a Unity Cinemachine camera, I still have to implement all the camera controls, cool effects, and transitions in the game. That includes jumping into the starter camera, wall running camera, camera look at NPC, mushroom bounce camera, table falling top-down camera at the end of the game, and most importantly default player third person camera.

  • New Player’s Animated Sequence Swing

Because lack of programmers, we needed to cut out some mechanics in order to finish the game implementation and debugging. Physic swing is one of the mechanics we decided to cut off and replace with animated sequence swing. With a system of path creators, I would be able to create a swing setup for designers to work on.

  • Simpler Enemy Behavior

Since we got feedback that we have too many random events making the game feel too random, we need to implement a simpler enemy behavior for other designers to set it up and be able to predict the specific encounter.

Help to debug other

I was signed as a gameplay programmer however I also have other factions debug the problem they face including:


UI: Mission indicator Manager


VFX: Player's shadow caster


Animator: Player open mouth and swing animation


Narrative: Final scene before outro cutscene

Have Fun ^ ^

Wild Wild Wetlands is a 3D platformer game with a focus on exploration. Run, jump, and swing through the bayou as a frog cowboy, improving your abilities to defeat the outlaw gang. Discover new routes through the swamp to collect all lost rubber ducks.


Contact Me

Feel free to contact me via my e-mail: or my social media here.

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