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Project S.A.G.A.

By Break Time Snack


Project S.A.G.A. is a 2D action combat fighting game made with Unity. Beating through fully armed enemies with close combat techniques while discovering the truth before the project called Project S.A.G.A. 

Project Info

  • Role: Producer, Gameplay Programmer

  • Team Size: 4

  • Time frame: Fall 2020

  • Engine: Unity

  • Repository: Google Drive

Game Trailer


This project is officially the first game project I did. In the GAM100 class at King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, I learn a lot of things working on this project. I have to do a lot of research while doing the project finding solution and debugging by myself I would say it is so much fun creating my own game for the first time.



Since I am the only programmer on the team, I ended up implementing everything in this game. We chose to do a combat fighting game as the first game will be tough. But we were able to create this cool project at the end. I would say it is a great start for me as a game developer.

  • Character Movement

The player character controller is one of the most basic sets of functions we need for almost every game genre. Not only the character controller I wrote it myself, but also the camera follows the player and locks in place for specific events.

  • Combo system

For this project, the combo system would be the hardest and the most problematic feature to implement since it needs to consider multiple things such as input delay, dynamic combo input, character animation, hitbox, and frame window for each move. I create it by inputting buffer in Update and frame countdown in FixUpdate.

  • Enemy Behavior

There are 2 types of enemy behaviors in the game range enemy and melee enemy. Even though the enemy's behavior looks simple, the behavior includes a lot of consideration functions in it.

  • Line of Sign

  • Select combat type

  • Chasing player

  • Action Delay

  • Boss Behavior

Even though the main combat system of this game is react and counter, the player would be bored eventually. To add variety and challenge to the game, I create 3 unique boss behaviors while keeping the main combat system with additional mechanics on top. Namely;

  • Guarding

  • Shoot Huge Laser Beam

  • Summons Enemies

  • Dashing

  • Reflectable Wave

  • Homing Missile

  • Dash back Shooting Counter

  • Combat System

The combat system is also one of the problematic functions to implement. Since we don't need the player to spam buttons throughout the game, we design the combat type as rock paper scissors. And lets the player know the next move with a sign before reacting.

  • Collectible Item

There are a lot of enemies in each level providing heal and bullets on the way with a collectible item would be a great idea. The collectible items are not only resource items but also key items such as door key cards to continue the level.


  • Save Load System

With a save load system, the player would need to worry about the progress since there are a lot of checkpoints on levels, and can load the last checkpoint whenever they are stuck. I also save the progress after the player completes each level.

  • Main menu, In-game UI, and cutscene

A simple main menu and in-game pause UI, I implemented to make the game complete. For the cutscene, I used the Unity video player to implement it by skipping the scene button.

  • Custom input Setting 

Since the game is a combat fighting game with keyboard support only, I tried to make it as flexible as I could to allow players to edit the input using their most comfortable input set.


Have Fun ^ ^

"Everything has its own story"
After the Great War was ended by a group of people named ' The Saviour', many countries still faced crimes and terrorism. The special forces of the global government who protect the country have a mission to destroy a secret illegal project called Project S.A.G.A.


Contact Me

Feel free to contact me via my e-mail: or my social media here.

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